What Is NeuroOptimal NeuroFeedback?

NeurOptimal® is the world’s first & only nonlinear dynamical neurofeedback®. This innovative tool reorients your central nervous system (CNS) to the present moment and enables it to communicate with itself to reorganize and return to more efficient & effective functioning.

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback in which subjects respond to a display of their own brain frequencies or other electrical activity of the nervous system.

What is biofeedback?

Biofeedback is a process whereby electronic monitoring of a normally automatic bodily function is used to train someone to acquire voluntary control of that function.

Train your brain to promote its uniquely inherent peak performance! A more fit & flexible central nervous system can improve your capability, capacity, productivity & performance in all areas of your life.

The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe, and the CNS combines information from the entire body and coordinates its activity including one’s thoughts, movements, emotions, and desires. It also controls physical processes like our breathing, heart rate, the release of some hormones, body temperature, and much more. A healthy CNS significantly contributes to our mental and physical health.

What is Neuroptimal for?

Getting the information (or feedback) the brain needs to organize itself, allows the brain to release patterns that can get in the way of it functioning well.

How would you know if your brain is not functioning at its best? If you are feeling off and not maximizing your potential, ask yourself what stands in the way of you being or achieving what you would like in your life. It’s possible your brain could use some hurdle help.

Have you experienced times when you have felt “on target”, maybe even invincible, untouchable, where you are mentally in your “A game”? Or where you have felt clear, poised, “in the now”? Or maybe warm, safe, connected and loving. During these moments your brain is organized, your CNS is flexible and resilient to whatever challenges it faces, and you’re reaping the benefits in the moment.

Using NeurOptimal® is like having a “defrag” of your hard drive, it’s suddenly easier to get out of your own way and access your “A game”. Roadblocks can fall away and life can just seem easier, more in flow.

No matter where you are starting from, every brain has a potential best, its own level of optimal flow and function. It doesn’t matter if you are a peak performing athlete or performer, or if you are struggling with relationships or your studies in school, or whatever your situation — given the right information about itself, every brain can reveal its best.

Helps Manage or Promote:

· Stress, feel more calm, confident, comfortable

· ‘Mental acuity’, memory and recall, focus & concentration, clarity & acuity

· Become more adaptable, flexible and resilient

· Healthy sleep habits

· Coping skills

· Feel(ing) more confident

· A healthy lifestyle

· Assists with weight loss goals

· Mental fitness; relaxation and/or stress management

· Be more focused, less mental chatter

· Regulation of moods & emotions, help with anxiety

· Positive mindset

· Improves instruction following, concentration, problem solving, multitasking, resource management, logic, pattern-recognition, or eye-hand coordination

· Improve performance anxiety, sports performance anxiety

· Enhances learning capacity

· Helps relieve headaches, migraines

· Can boost self-esteem & confidence

· Helps maintain wellness - keeps your brain fit

· Contributes to general wellness

· Passive brain training for personal enrichment

· Mental & physical fatigue hand-eye coordination & physical balance