How Does NeuroOptimal Work?

NeurOptimal® acts as a mirror for your CNS by using proprietary mathematical transformations associated with nonlinear dynamical systems & Joint Time-Frequency Analysis (JTFA). This advanced brain training system reads your brain’s electrical signals through scalp sensors, detects the ‘difference’ or changes in all of its electrical signals, and creates interruptions in an audio stream that alert your brain to these continuous changes in real-time (256 times per second). NeurOptimal® provides your brain with information about its own, ever-changing electrical activity through audio interruptions and relies on your brain’s inherent learning processes & propensity toward self-regulation to course-correct.

During a NeurOptimal® session you will wear ear clips and two small sensors on the sides of your head. These pick up the delicate electrical activity of your brain. You relax and close your eyes and listen to the music. NeurOptimal® processes your brain signals very rapidly and when it detects them moving into an “instability”, the music or movie pauses very briefly.

Consciously of course, this has no meaning for us — in fact we may not even notice them. But unconsciously our brain understands the mathematics behind the timing of the pauses, which act a bit like a “rumble strip”. The brain adjusts its activity without any effort from you (you can be completely zoned out if you want), to stay “within” the rumble strip. The brain does this on its own — NeurOptimal® doesn’t tell it to. NeurOptimal® does not force change or attempt to direct the response of the CNS which means it’s completely noninvasive. Rather, your brain ‘decides’ what to do with the information NeurOptimal® provides and uses this uniquely adaptive, moment-to-moment feedback to return to more efficient & effective operation. Since we are always learning from & adapting to changes (information) in our internal & external environments and intrinsically move away from discomfort, while training your brain is empowered to choose more efficient performance patterns for itself while it reorients to the present moment. While training, your CNS is giving itself a tune-up to improve its own function and flow! This informational workout for your brain is effortless, power meditation because NeurOptimal® invites your brain to ‘Return to Present’ 256 times per second.

Is Neuroptimal Safe?

Yes, NeurOptimal® is completely noninvasive! Unlike other systems, NeurOptimal® does not train states of consciousness. Indeed, it does not do anything to influence any outcome. Instead it is purely a source of information for your brain to use the mathematical information it receives, or not — as it will. It does not induce or force changes to the brain or direct the response of your central nervous system. Your brain intrinsically course-corrects toward performance efficiency through its natural learning processes. For this reason NeurOptimal® is an extraordinarily safe tool for self-optimization. Thousands of users of all ages including pregnant persons, babies, toddlers, teenagers, adults, and seniors around the world have collectively accumulated over four million training hours over the past two decades. The FDA has designated NeurOptimal® a low risk General Wellness Product.NeurOptimal® can help unleash your personal, social, spiritual, physical performance or academic potential. There’s little to lose and possibly much to gain!

Who Can Train?

Everyone! Adults, teenagers, children, seniors, amateur & professional athletes, parents, professionals, educators, LEOs & First Responders, healthcare workers, caretakers, military personnel, veterans, highly sensitive persons (HSPs). Those that have ADD, ADHD, Epilepsy, Anxiety/Depression, victims of trauma/abuse, PTSD, stroke victims, those with mental illnesses, insomniacs, emotional regulation, migraine sufferers, anyone who feels they are not functioning at their personal best, and anyone under stress or highly affected by acute or chronic stress.

Who developed it?

Developed & refined over three decades by Co-Developers Valdeane W. Brown, Ph.D. & Susan Brown, Ph.D. of Zengar Institute Inc., NeurOptimal® is designed to tap into our brain’s intrinsic ability to self-organize and is often described as effortless, power meditation. Many users notice a tangible relaxation response from a single session, particularly those who train routinely. As the brain reorganizes itself to more efficient & effective operation, challenges and concerns seamlessly fall away for most people.

How Frequently should I train?

Training frequency is completely client-directed. It’s important to find a training pace that feels right to you!

You can train twice weekly, weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly – whatever feels best to you. Shifts are often subtle & seamless so they may be harder to recognize with infrequent initial sessions and you may become less motivated to train.

Are the effects lasting?

Yes. NeurOptimal® is a learning task. This unique, nonlinear neurofeedback method offers your brain timely, adaptive information about itself that allows it to choose more efficient patterns of function & flow. Training shifts can and do stick. Your brain is ever-changing, living tissue, however, whose functioning can be impacted by stress and other factors. It can be beneficial to do occasional booster sessions. Like physical fitness regimens, massage therapy, or chiropractic adjustments, some users prioritize routine maintenance training because it can feel particularly supportive to them in maintaining their mental fitness & well-being.

How do I know its working?

With NeurOptimal®, we are most concerned about how you feel.

Since shifts are often subtle and seamless, you may not recognize them right away. It’s fairly easy to recognize what’s not going well for you in life, but it can be much harder to recognize what IS going well. We’ll encourage you to start asking yourself, “What’s different?” The answers to this question over time often reveal the changes we hope to experience with NeurOptimal®. Some users notice their shifts immediately while others may notice shifts weeks or even months into or after training when sudden realizations come to light (i.e. you haven’t had a crying fit in weeks or you didn’t overreact in certain situations like you might have in the past). Once users recognize how supportive brain training can be for their mental fitness & well-being, the tracking tools are no longer necessary.

Are there side effects?

Side-effects are attributable to something that has physiologically induced change (i.e. medication, entrainment, or vibration/electrical stimulation). NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is 100% noninvasive and does not ‘induce’ or force changes to the brain (central nervous system). NeurOptimal® is not protocol-driven and does not augment or inhibit certain frequencies to try to achieve desired outcomes like linear neurofeedback systems.

While it may seem like there’s not much happening during a NeurOptimal® session, your brain is actually working quite hard processing information about itself! Some users may experience challenging perceptions when they begin training due to the increased challenge the training represents to the brain (like sore muscles after a body workout.) As your brain begins the optimization process, challenges you’ve experienced in the past *may* intensify for a time as your brain begins responding to the information NeurOptimal® provides. Challenging or undesirable perceptions, if any, generally resolve within a few sessions for most users.

How many sessions will I need?

It’s important to give the training process a chance to work! It’s best to be open to at least 10-15 sessions to start noticing your shifts. Twenty or more sessions promote optimal training outcomes. Since your central nervous system is doing all the work, we cannot predict how many sessions it will take for you to begin recognizing your shifts. Some users notice shifts right away while others may need more sessions. Everyone is unique and your training experience will be unique to you. Like massage therapy or chiropractic adjustments, some users train at their desired frequency indefinitely since it can feel particularly supportive to them in managing stress and maintaining their mental fitness & well-being.